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Spatial Database Package


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MySQL Spatial Extensions

MySQL implements a subset of the SQL with Geometry Types environment proposed by OGC. This term refers to an SQL environment that has been extended with a set of geometry types. A geometry-valued SQL column is implemented as a column that has a geometry type. The specification describe a set of SQL geometry types, as well as functions on those types to create and analyze geometry values.


SpatiaLite is an SQLite database engine with spatial functions added.
SQLite is a popular DBMS, simple, robust, easy to use and really lightweight. Each SQLite database is simply a file; you can freely copy it, compress it, send it on a LAN or WEB with no complication at all.

License:MPL-1.1 and GPL-3.0
The project description quoted above is licensed by OSGeo under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


pgRouting extends the PostGIS / PostgreSQL geospatial database to provide geospatial routing functionality.
Advantages of the database routing approach are:

  • Data and attributes can be modified by many clients, like Quantum GIS and uDig through JDBC, ODBC, or directly using Pl/pgSQL. The clients can either be PCs or mobile devices.
  • Data changes can be reflected instantaneously through the routing engine. There is no need for precalculation.
  • The “cost” parameter can be dynamically calculated through SQL and its value can come from multiple fields or tables.

License: GPL-2.0


Rasdaman extends standard relational databases to provide storage and retrieval of multi-dimensional raster data (i.e., arrays) of unlimited size using an SQL-style raster query language with highly effective server-side optimization. Data are stored in a PostgreSQL database, thereby achieving tight information integration. A rasdaman driver is a part of the GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) library for geospatial data formats, a MapServer integration is available in beta. Access interfaces include OGC WCS, WCPS, and WPS, as well as C++ and Java APIs in addition to the rasdaman raster query language.

The rasdaman technology is stable and mature, deployed in production since over 10 years; the French National Geographic Institute runs rasdaman on a dozen-Terabyte airborne image map. At the ACM Principles of Database Systems Conference in 2007, raster database expert Rona Machlin characterizes rasdaman as “the most comprehensive implementation of such a system”.


  • clients and petascope: LGPL-3.0
  • server engine: GPL-3.0

The project description quoted above is licensed by OSGeo under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


PostGIS adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL object-relational database. In effect, PostGIS "spatially enables" the PostgreSQL server, allowing it to be used as a backend spatial database for geographic information systems (GIS), much like ESRI's SDE or Oracle's Spatial extension. PostGIS follows the OpenGIS "Simple Features Specification for SQL" and has been certified as compliant with the "Types and Functions" profile.


Hibernate Spatial

Hibernate Spatial是為地理數據的一個Hibernate的通用延伸。Hibernate Spatial是一個開源以及具有LGPL授權的專案。Hibernate Spatial使你可以以一個標準化的方式處理地理數據。它抽象化你的資料庫具體處理地理資料的方式並提供一個標準化、跨平台的介面來儲存地理資料和提供查詢功能。

適用平台: Linux;原始碼授權類型: LGPL

資料來源: https://www.hibernatespatial.org/