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The fully-functional stack is over 25 programs and libraries, each requiring custom configuration, and taking days of effort. The complexity of this process has been the subject of many emails to the MapServer mailing list and others.
HostGIS Linux filled its position well. In 15 minutes, you could have a freshly-installed OS with the MapServer stack and a set of a working examples using GDAL/OGR, PostGIS, OpenLayers and TileCache. This saved literally days of effort over figuring out the installation process on your own platform.
GISVM is a Free(dom) and ready to use anywhere Geographic Information System Virtual Machine, now available in three main versions:
GISVM desktop:A full-feature GIS Desktop Workstation with the most popular and free GIS Desktop software installed: QGIS, gvSIG, Kosmo, OpenJump, uDIG, PostgreSQL, PostGIS,Mapserver on Ubuntu Gnome Desktop
GISVM base:A base GIS Desktop Virtual Machine where you can install the free GIS software you need by double clicking on the included install scripts. This version is the lighter and faster ever released!
GISVM server:A full-feature GIS Server based exclusively on free Server GIS software: Linux, Apache, MySQL, Php,Tomcat,PostgreSQL, PostGIS, GeoServer, Mapserver, deegree and Geonetwork, on Ubuntu Server.