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感謝您對「自由軟體鑄造場」的支持與愛護,十多年來「自由軟體鑄造場」受中央研究院支持,並在資訊科學研究所以及資訊科技創新研究中心執行,現已完成階段性的任務。 原網站預計持續維運至 2021年底,網站內容基本上不會再更動。本網站由 Denny Huang 備份封存。
也紀念我們永遠的朋友 李士傑先生(Shih-Chieh Ilya Li)。

COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010 now calling for papers

The joint conference of COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010 is calling for papers now. COSCUP is the largest open source conference in Taiwan, and GNOME.Asia Summit is Asia’s GNOME user and developer conference. The joint conference will be held in Taipei on August 14 and 15.

With a tagline of "Open Web and Mobile Technologies", it emphasizes the exciting development in these two areas as well as the GNOME desktop environment, and leverages the world-leading hardware industry in Taiwan. The program committee invites open source and GNOME technologies enthusiasts all around the world to submit papers via  https://coscup.org/2010/en/programs . For more details on the joint conference, please visit the conference websites at https://coscup.org/ and https://gnome.asia/.

OSSF Newsletter : 第 152 期 內含 GPL 授權元件產品的標示義務

Category: FOSS News