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Browser Client


結果 1 - 5 共 5


GeoMOOSE is a Web Client Javascript Framework for displaying distributed cartographic data. GeoMOOSE has a number of strengths including modularity, configurability, and delivers a number of core functionalities in its packages. GeoMOOSE is also very light weight for servers making it easy to handle a large number of users, with a large number of layers, and a large number of services without stressing a server.

The GeoMOOSE core is written using JavaScript and HTML. It is entirely possible to run GeoMOOSE with nothing more than a basic webserver (Nginx, Apache, IIS). But besides the basic client core, GeoMOOSE also comes prepackaged with a number of built in services written in PHP. These services add the ability to perform drill-down identify operations, selection operations, and search datasets. If you have existing scripts that perform similar functions, GeoMOOSE can be tuned to work with those services, no matter which language they were written.



Mapbender is the back office software and client framework for spatial data infrastructures. The software is implemented in PHP, JavaScript and XML and dual licensed under GNU GPL and Simplified BSD license. It provides a data model and web based interfaces for displaying, navigating and querying OGC compliant map services.

The Mapbender framework furthermore provides authentication and authorization services, OWS Proxy functionality, management interfaces for user, group and service administration.

Mapbender is an official Open Source Geospatial Foundation project and all about managing maps! Mapbender can be used for a variety of different web mapping applications as can be seen in the Mapbender Gallery use cases and examples. Mapbender helps to manage, organize, protect and monitor map services, users and applications. The maps themselves come from many different Map Services and can be located anywhere in the world.

License:GPL-3.0+ / BSD-2-Clause


OpenLayers makes it easy to put a dynamic map in any web page. It can display map tiles and markers loaded from any source. OpenLayers has been developed to further the use of geographic information of all kinds. OpenLayers is completely free, Open Source JavaScript, released under the 2-clause BSD License (also known as the FreeBSD).

OpenLayers is a pure JavaScript library for displaying map data in most modern web browsers, with no server-side dependencies. OpenLayers implements a JavaScript API for building rich web-based geographic applications, similar to the Google Maps and MSN Virtual Earth APIs, with one important difference -- OpenLayers is Free Software, developed for and by the Open Source software community.



MapFish is a flexible and complete framework for building rich web-mapping applications. It emphasizes high productivity, and high-quality development.

MapFish is based on the Pylons Python web framework. MapFish extends Pylons with geospatial-specific functionality. For example MapFish provides specific tools for creating web services that allows querying and editing geographic objects.

MapFish also provides a complete RIA-oriented JavaScript toolbox, a JavaScript testing environment, and tools for compressing JavaScript code. The JavaScript toolbox is composed of the ExtJS, OpenLayers , GeoExt JavaScript toolkits.

MapFish is compliant with the Open Geospatial Consortium standards. This is achieved through OpenLayers or GeoExt supporting several OGC norms, like WMS, WFS, WMC, KML, GML etc..

License:BSD 2-Clause


Geomajas is a free and open source GIS framework which seamlessly integrates powerful server side algorithms into the web browser.

The focus of Geomajas is to provide a platform for server-side integration of geospatial data (be it through GeoTools or Hibernate), allowing multiple users to control and manage the data from within their own browsers. In essence, Geomajas provides a set of powerful building blocks, from which the most advanced GIS application can easily be built.

What makes Geomajas unique is its strong server side focus. The processing, styling, filtering, caching, etc. of geospatial data always happens within a secured context. All this makes Geomajas applications incredibly scalable and performing, keeping the client a real thin client.
