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感謝您對「自由軟體鑄造場」的支持與愛護,十多年來「自由軟體鑄造場」受中央研究院支持,並在資訊科學研究所以及資訊科技創新研究中心執行,現已完成階段性的任務。 原網站預計持續維運至 2021年底,網站內容基本上不會再更動。本網站由 Denny Huang 備份封存。
也紀念我們永遠的朋友 李士傑先生(Shih-Chieh Ilya Li)。


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The Ushahidi Engine is a free and open source platform that allows anyone to gather distributed data via SMS, email or web and visualize it on a map or a timeline. Ushahidi’s goal is to create tools for democratizing information, increasing transparency and lowering the barriers for individuals to share their stories.

Ushahidi, which means “testimony” in Swahili, was initially developed to map reports of violence in Kenya after the post-election fallout at the beginning of 2008. Ushahidi’s roots are in the collaboration of Kenyan citizen journalists during a time of crisis. The website was used to map incidents of violence and peace efforts throughout the country based on reports submitted via the web and mobile phone. This initial deployment of Ushahidi had 45,000 users in Kenya, and was the catalyst for us realizing there was a need for a platform based on it, which could be use by others around the world.

The project description quoted above is licensed by OSGeo under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License