domain level Task force


OMG Groups


The purpose of the Robotics Domain Task Force is to foster the integration of robotics systems from modular components through the adoption of OMG standards.


To realize this purpose, we will:

  • Recommend adoption and extend OMG technologies that apply to the specific domain of robotics systems where no current baseline specifications exist, such as MDA for Robotics. The object technology is not solely limited to software but is extended to real objects. This effort promotes the use of OMG technologies in various markets. 
  • Promote mutual understanding between the robotics community and the OMG community. 
  • Endeavor to collaborate with other organizations for standardization, such as the one for home information appliances, and make an open effort to increase interoperability in the field of robotics.
  • Coordinate with the appropriate OMG subgroups and the Architecture Board, for technology areas that overlap with other OMG Task Forces, to determine where the work will be accomplished.


Get Involved:

If you are interested in getting involved with this group, want more information or would like to come as a guest to an upcoming meeting and obtain temporary access to the mailing list, please contact one of our Account Representative or contact one of the Chairs.