The global OpenMRS community works together to build the world's leading open source enterprise electronic medical record system platform.

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OpenMRS users on the OpenMRS community
Our rapidly evolving program in Western Kenya is committed to fully integrated and comprehensive health care services extending from villages to hospitals. Every part of our work utilizes a single shared infrastructure — OpenMRS. It has become an indispensable backbone of every aspect of our future. — Joe Mamlin, MD, Field Director, AMPATH
The OpenMRS community is really diverse — academics, software developers, and health care workers. Our interest in working together to save lives is what binds us together. — Suranga Nath Kasthurirathne, Developer, Jembi Health Systems
OpenMRS is used in 5 of the countries where we work to support clinical care, reporting and clinical research for HIV, MDR-TB and heart failure treatment. — Partners in Health