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感謝您對「自由軟體鑄造場」的支持與愛護,十多年來「自由軟體鑄造場」受中央研究院支持,並在資訊科學研究所以及資訊科技創新研究中心執行,現已完成階段性的任務。 原網站預計持續維運至 2021年底,網站內容基本上不會再更動。本網站由 Denny Huang 備份封存。
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catalog-iconOpenFoundry 蒐集與自由軟體相關的連結資訊並將其分類,供您依此資源目錄架構,循序深入自由軟體豐富的應用世界。若此分類下發現有任何問題及建議,非常歡迎您協助我們改進,請寄至[email protected]



結果 1 - 11 共 11

Mobile Location Protocol Library

*Goal of this project is to develop universal an usable C++ library. This library should provide functions of Mobile Location Protocol (MLP).

Platform: All POSIX (Linux/BSD/UNIX-like OSes), Cygwin (MS Windows);License: BSD License


Linux and Android for OMAP850 Devices

Our project aims to develop Linux and Android support for T-Mobile Wing, HTC Herald, and other OMAP850-based devices

Platform: Linux; License: GNU General Public   (GPL), GNU Library or Lesser General Public   (LGPL)



Linux on SX1

The goal of this project is developing completly free linux environment for Siemens SX1 mobile phone and for any smartphone in the future. Our targets are small size and fast speed.

Platform: Linux; License: GNU General Public   (GPL)



MeeGo是一個基於Linux的移動作業系統計劃,它於2010年2月的全球行動通訊大會中宣佈 ,主要的推動者為諾基亞與英特爾。它將結合諾基亞的Maemo及英特爾的Moblin。並由Linux基金會主導。


MeeGo 同時支援ARM和x86的處理器。MeeGo 應用程式使用Qt 開發框架 和 Qt Creator 作為開發環境。


Titan: Tiny Task Networks

Titan allows service-oriented processing of context recognition applications on Wireless Sensor Networks. It includes an execution environment developed for TinyOS and a Java ME (Personal Profile) Network Manager intended to be run on a mobile phone.


Rockbox is a free software replacement for the firmware held on various forms of digital audio players (DAPs). Rockbox offers an alternative to the host device's operating system firmware (in many cases without removing the original firmware) which provides a plug-in architecture for adding various enhancements and functionality to DAPs which are not present in the original OS. Enhancements include PDA functionality, applications, utilities, and games. Rockbox can also retrofit video playback functionality onto DAPs first released in mid-2000. Rockbox also includes a voice-driven user-interface suitable for operation by blind and visually impaired users.


This organization focuses on handheld and wearable computers with the goal of encouraging and facilitating the creation of open software solutions for use on handheld platforms, especially on “Unix-like” systems, including Linux and some versions of BSD Unix. The organization supports system software wizards, application developers and end-users by enabling wide distribution and use of software available on the site. The site also provides numerous informative documents on configuring and programming Linux handhelds, including tutorials on how to run Linux on iPAQ handhelds, building X for a handheld and setting up a PPP connection.

GNOME Mobile Platform

The GNOME Mobile Platform is a subset of the widely used GNOME desktop platform. This link points to the home of GNOME Mobile organization where you can find plans they have for this mobile platform.

OpenMoko Linux



Symbian OS

Symbian作業系統是Symbian公司為手機而設計的作業系統,被Nokia收購之後,將其移轉到Symbian基金會,以開放原始碼的形式釋出。它的前身是Psion的EPOC,並且獨佔式的執行於ARM處理器。包含由Symbian公司所提供的相關的函式庫(libraries)、使用者介面(user interface)架構和共用工具(common tools)的參考實作(reference implementation)。



Android是基於Linux內核的軟體平台和作業系統,是Google在2007年11月5日公佈的行動電話系統平台,早期由Google開發,後由開放手機聯盟(Open Handset Alliance)開發。它採用了軟體堆層(software stack,又名以軟體疊層)的架構,主要分為三部分。低層以Linux核心工作為基礎,只提供基本功能;其他的應用軟體則由各公司自行開發,以Java作為編寫程式的一部分。另外,為了推廣此技術,Google和其他幾十個手機公司建立了開放手機聯盟。
