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MobileZX is a 48k ZX Spectrum emulator for mobile devices with support for J2ME MIDP2.0. It is oriented to devices such as PDAs and mobile phones.
Platform:unknown; License: GNU General Public (GPL)
The Open Palmtop Integrated Environment is an Open Source based graphical user environment for PDAs and other form-factor devices running Linux. It is included in various embedded Linux distributions such as Ångström, OpenZaurus, Familiar and OpenSIMpad.
GPE( GPE Palmtop Environment)是一個計劃為執行Linux作業系統的PDA等掌上裝置提供自由圖形使用者介面的項目。GPE並不是一個單一的軟體,但可以為執行Linux的掌上裝置提供如個人資訊管理系統 (PIM)、音樂播放、電子郵件及網頁瀏覽等功能。
Poky is an open source platform build tool and offers over 500 pre-configured packages to build into a system. As a software development environment for the creation of Linux devices, it enables you to design, develop, build, debug, and test a complete software stack using Linux, the X Window System and GNOME Mobile based application frameworks for both x86 and ARM based platforms.
Qt 是一個跨平台應用程式和 UI 開發框架。使用 Qt 您只需一次性開發應用程式,無須重新編寫程式碼,便可跨不同桌面和嵌入式操作系統使用這些應用程式。
直觀的 C++ 函式庫
具有跨平台 IDE 的整合開發工具
適用平台: 跨平台; 原始碼授權類型: GNU LGPL 2.1、GNU GPL3, with Qt special exception、Commercial Developer License
資料來源: https://qt.nokia.com/