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Modular, touch screen friendly car navigation system with GPS tracking, realtime routing engine and support for various vector map formats. There's a GTK+ and a SDL user interface and also a GL accelerated 3d view.
qpeGPS is a program for displaying a moving map centered at theposition read from a GPS device.It's designed to run on a PDA with Qt/embedded (qtopia).
宇達電通(Mio Technology)成立於2002,專心致力於發展先進的個人衛星導航產品,並持續不斷探索新的科技及應用,進一步協助人們享受探索週遭世界的樂趣。憑藉著整合手持式裝置的經驗,2003年宇達發展出世界第一台將GPS衛星導航技術整合入手持式裝置的產品,這項具有重大突破性及創新性的產品在高競爭的市場得的成功,如台灣及南韓,迅速的讓宇達電通成為世界上最快速成長的GPS衛星導航公司之一。同時,「Mio DigiWalker」的品牌於2004年在歐洲發表後,隨即拓展至澳洲、日本及美國等地,在簡單容易上手的軟體介面及整合硬體功能的產品設計下,宇達電通快速搶佔這些新領域的市場佔有率。
GpsDrive is a car (bike, ship, plane) navigation system. GpsDrive displays your position provided from your NMEA capable GPS receiver on a zoomable map. The map file is auto-selected depending of the position and preferred scale. Speech output is supported if the "festival" software is running. It is released under GPL license.
To download the project, please visit https://gpsdrive.kraftvoll.at/download.shtml
RoadMap is a program that supports car navigation: It displays a map of the streets, tracks the position provided by a NMEA-compliant GPS receiver, identifies the street matching the position and announces the name of the crossing street at the next intersection. A rudimentary trip feature allows RoadMap to display some basic navigation information (distance to the destination, direction, speed, etc.). Voice messages are generated that duplicate some of the screen information. RoadMap is written in C, runs on Linux and Unix, iPAQ and Zaurus. It is released under GPL license.
TomTom是全球最大導航解決方案供應商,以創新、高品質、容易使用,以及物超所值的產品著稱。其完整的產品線包括TomTom GO系列、TomTom ONE系列,以及TomTom RIDER系列。TomTom亦自行研發導航軟體─TomTom NAVIGATOR,已廣泛被PDA及智慧型手機應用。除了提供產品硬體與軟體外,TomTom PLUS提供更豐富多元的加值內容,使用者皆可藉由TomTom HOME應用軟體來更新相關資訊。TomTom於1991年成立於阿姆斯特丹,產品已推展至全歐洲、北美洲、中美洲及亞洲的市場,藉由各地傑出經銷團隊與網站,成功銷售至25個國家。TomTom將持續研發更新更好的技術,幫助往來各地的用戶更快速、安全且儘可能輕易地抵達目的地。