2007 國際企業運算研討會 (ICESA 2007) 論文徵求
建立日期 2007-02-09 08:00 最近更新在 2012-03-05 16:10
作者是 OSSF工作小組
2007 國際企業運算研討會 (2007 International Conference on Enterprise Systems and Applications;ICESA 2007) 擬於12/13、12/14 在中央研究院活動中心舉辦,旨在提供產官學界一個技術交流與成果發表的園地,深入探討此領域的市場需求與未來挑戰。會議當中,除了包含企業運算原理與實務 的論文研討與專題演講外,此研討會亦規劃廠商座談與攤位展示,優選的論文亦將於 Journal of Information Science and Engineering 期刊以特刊型式發表。
- Enterprise applications, e.g., ERP, CRM, EIP and SCM
- e-service and application architecture and software
- Service-oriented, component-oriented and model-driven architecture
- Languages and tools for business process modeling, definition, and management
- Techniques and tools for workflow definition, validation and verification
- Enterprise computing middleware components
- Enterprise application integration and business-to-business integration
- Domain specific enterprise computing concepts and practices
- Evaluation and assessment
- 2007/06/08 Proposals for special sessions and tutorials
- 2007/07/01 論文截稿日
- 2007/09/17 論文接受通知
- 2007/11/02 論文 Camera-Ready 版截稿日