專案摘要:a handy cgi wrapper of perl CGI module for making CGI-based web application
專案摘要:a general purpose key-value based database
專案摘要:a handy perl library for text processing and data manipulation
4. diad 是一個網路鑑識環境數位影像驗證與偵測技術系統
專案摘要:國科會計畫編號:NSC98-2218-E-029-005 國科會計畫分類:資訊安全網路鑑識環境數位影像驗證與偵測技術系統 (Digital Images Authentication and Detection for Network Forensics ...
5. Open Source Software Newsletter
專案摘要:Content of the newsletter which popularizes open source software including the introduction of domestic and international technolog...