An effort to change the software engineering education in Taiwan is reported. The effort sets its objective to increase the number of college graduates that are better prepared for filling software development and maintenance jobs. Four dysfunctions: avoidance of process, inattention to modeling, lack of awareness to software quality, and chasm between application domains and software engineering, of the current situation are identified. The effort to correct the dysfunctions involves design of a module-oriented software engineering curriculum, organization of people, resource, and activities. As a result, from the academic years 2003 to 2008, both the number of software engineering courses offered and the enrollment size increased significantly by a space of some 250 courses and 5000 enrollments, respectively.
在此演講中,國立中央大學資訊工程學系李允中教授將報告近幾年來推動台灣軟體工程教育改善計畫的努力與成果。此計畫的主要目的是讓國內大學院校學生在畢業後具備滿足業界需求的軟體開發與維護能力。同時根據李教授多年來在軟體業界與學界的觀察,提出了台灣軟體工程教育四項主要的不良缺失︰(一)忽略軟體開發流程、(二)不注重軟體塑模、(三)缺乏軟體品質概念與(四)應用領域與軟體工程認知的落差。為了改善這些軟體工程教育的不良缺失,李教授帶領軟體工程聯盟推動了模組化導向的軟體工程課程編撰、組織國內外軟體工程專家學者與資源以及舉辦各種軟體工程相關推廣活動...等。在計畫推動期間(2003~2007),國內大學院校所提供的軟體工程相關課程數從原有的 159 門成長至 406 門,另一方面修課人次也較原有修課人次成長約 5000 人次。
時間 | 議程 |
14:30-14:35 | 開場介紹 |
14:35-16:00 | Change the Face of Software Engineering Education In Taiwan 改變台灣軟體工程教育的現況 |
16:00-16:30 | Q & A |