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What is Resource Catalog ?

catalog-iconThe OpenFoundry Resource Catalog lists professional resources and applications related to the development of open source software. If you have any recommendation listing / category  or bug for this resource catalog, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Results 1 - 4 of 4


IronPython is an implementation of the Python programming language running under .NET and Silverlight. It supports an interactive console with fully dynamic compilation. It's well integrated with the rest of the .NET Framework and makes all .NET libraries easily available to Python programmers, while maintaining compatibility with the Python language. There also is Visual Studio tooling integration.

IronPython is an open source project freely available under the Apache License, v2.0. You can grab the latest sources by clicking on the Source Code tab at the top of this page or simply by clicking here.

Platform:Windows;           License:Microsoft Public License



Psychotic is an innovative optimizing compiler for Python code. It has unique features, the most important of which is that it breaks through the ConstantTimeBarrier. It is very easy to use and has an interface similar to that of the popular Psyco project.

Platform:unknown;           License:New BSD License



py2exe is a Python Distutils extension which converts Python scripts into executable Windows programs, able to run without requiring a Python installation.

Platform:Windows ;          License:MIT License



cx_Freeze is a set of scripts and modules for freezing Python scripts into executables in much the same way that py2exe and py2app do. Unlike these two tools, cx_Freeze is cross platform and should work on any platform that Python itself works on. It requires Python 2.3 or higher since it makes use of the zip import facility which was introduced in that version.

Platform:Cross platform;           License:unknown
