webERP is a complete web based accounting/ERP system that requires only a web-browser and pdf reader to use. It has a wide range of features suitable for many businesses particularly distributed businesses in wholesale and distribution. It is developed as an open-source application and is available as a free download to use. The feature set is continually expanding as new businesses and developers adopt it.
Platform: Linux;License: GNU GPL
The Imixs Workflow is an open source project based on Java technology. You can use the Imixs Workfow in any kind of java application. Imixs Workflow provides a full featured Workflow Management System (WFMS) based on the Java EE 6 specification. It fulfills the requirements to a scalable, transactional, robust and simple deployable Java EE Workflow System.
Platform: Linux;License: GPL
opentaps Open Source ERP + CRM is a fully integrated application suite that brings together top-tier open source projects to help you manage your business more effectively.
Platform: Linux;License: GPL
The ADempiere project was created in September 2006 after a long running disagreement between ComPiere Inc., the developers of Compiere™, and the community that formed around that project. The community believed Compiere Inc. placed too much emphasis on the open source lock-in/commercial nature of the project, rather than the community sharing/enriching nature of the project, and after an impassioned discussion decided to split from Compiere™ giving birth to the ADempiere project.
Platform: Linux;License: LGPL
JAllInOne is an ERP/CRM SOA based application having a Swing UI. It manages item variants, warehouse, selling, POS, provisioning, order tracking, BOM, manufactures, accounting, callouts, agenda, documents, multiple languages/companies/currencies.
Platform: Linux;License: LGPL
OpenERP 於2002年創始於比利時,此開源專案已歷經十年的持續開發,並已發展出其配套的雙重授權商業模式,除了商業授權的服務加值版本外,其不同的方案的程式源碼分別以GPL-3.0、AGPL-3.0,以及自訂的OpenERP Web Client License授權釋出。OpenERP提供了企業管理上的必要解決方案,目前已佈署超過60個國家,300多個合作夥伴。由於國內產業環境以中小企業為主,在內部管理系統上,如果能採用具有持續授權延展性與客製化自主性的自由開源軟體專案,將可減輕企業主的負擔,進而客製化獨特的管理模組來增加企業競爭力,故評估為具有未來發展性的重要專案。
The new, powerful and free ERP, CRM, eBusiness and SCM /SRM solution for business enterprises.
JFire is entirely free/open-source software, uses the latest technologies (EJB 3, JDO 2, Eclipse RCP 3.3) and is designed to be highly customizable.
Therefore, JFire is the right software for you, because it is a complete and extensible solution that fulfills all your business needs like user management, online trade with business partners, points of sale, various distribution channels forming a distribution network, store management and many more.
Platform: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X;License: GNU LGPL
The commercially-licensed editions of xTuple are designed for enterprises with larger-scale distribution and manufacturing operations. Global 1000 companies are powering their businesses with xTuple ERP.
Platform: Linux, Mac OS X, Windows;License: GNU LGPL
Openbravo provides the world's leading web-based open source ERP, improving the world's efficiency by making modern ERP accessible to all companies worldwide.
Platform: Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Solaris;License: Openbravo Public License (OBPL)
Intalio|BPMS is the world's most widely deployed Business Process Management System (BPMS). Designed around the open source Eclipse BPMN Modeler, Apache ODE BPEL engine, and Tempo WS-Human Task service developed by Intalio, it can support any processes, small or large.
Platform: Linux, Windows, Solaris;License: see for more details(Multiple License due to use of licensed code)
ProcessMaker is the first truly Open Source business process management (BPM) and workflow software designed for small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) and organizations.
uEngine BPM is an open source BPMS that has been registered in since 2003. The uEngine BPM suite is divided into the following three key components: uEngine BPM Foundation – with modeling tool and process engine, uEngine Process Portal – with dashboard and single sign on capabilities, uEngine BP Analyzer – OLAP based process analyzer. uEngine BPM foundation is built along side other notable open source applications such as the Liferay Enterprise Portal, Mondrian OLAP Server, JBoss Drools BRE and Apache Axis II.
Galaxia is an open source workflow engine based on Openflow and while originally written for Tiki CMS/Groupware, it has been ported to several other Open Source projects. Galaxia is an activity-based workflow application, where the processes and the workflows are made of dynamic activities that must be completed to finish a task. Contrast this with a procedural system where each step in the process must be completed in order, and the power of this application becomes clear.
Wilos project is a process orchestration software. It helps team members to manage a project through the execution of a software development process taking from an exported XML file of the Eclipse Process Framework.
The Imixs Open Source Project was created to promote the development of workflow technologies based on open software standards. Within the scope of this project, various technologies and procedures are published that allow and support the development of open, process-oriented workflow systems. The project comprises the development of a framework to create workflow systems as well as a reference implementation based on the JEE standard. Additionally, the project includes the development of a graphic editor for creation and management of WorkflowModels within the Eclipse framework and also client frameworks to be build in user interfaces.
Zebra is a workflow engine - originally developed to fill in the gaps in some commercial and open source workflow engines. The key differences between it and other workflow systems are
Able to model all the workflows described in workflow patterns
An easy to use GUI designer
Interfaced persistence layer
OO Design
Integration component for Turbine web applications
Ruote是一個用Ruby寫成的工作流程引擎。Ruote不是一個狀態機函式庫。它可以被描述成一個商業流程用的作業系統。Route引擎可以同時執行多個程序。程序被以Ruby DSL或XML(或直接JSON)寫成的流程定義啟始。流程定義描述參與者之間的工作流程。參與者可以是使用者、一群使用者、服務、legacy systems等等。
The Apache Open For Business Project is an open source enterprise automation software project licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. By open source enterprise automation we mean: Open Source ERP, Open Source CRM, Open Source E-Business / E-Commerce, Open Source SCM, Open Source MRP, Open Source CMMS/EAM, and so on.
Bonita Open Solution combines three solutions in one: an innovative process design studio, a powerful BPM engine and a breakthrough end user interface.