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What is Resource Catalog ?

catalog-iconThe OpenFoundry Resource Catalog lists professional resources and applications related to the development of open source software. If you have any recommendation listing / category  or bug for this resource catalog, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Results 1 - 9 of 9


OpenStack 是 IaaS(基礎設施即服務)軟體,採用 Apache-2.0 授權釋出,任何人都可以下載其程式源碼自行建立和提供雲端運算服務。此外,OpenStack也用作建立防火牆內的「私有雲(Private Cloud)」,提供機構或企業內各部門共享資源,此一開放平台已獲得多數跨國性指標公司的支持,並經國內工研院、資策會、中華電信等重要法人/組織的支援而續行引進。


Cloud offering: Enomaly's Elastic Computing Platform (ECP) is software that integrates enterprise data centers with commercial cloud computing offerings, letting IT pros manage and govern both internal and external resources from a single console, while making it easy to move virtual machines from one data center to another.

Reference: https://www.enomaly.com/



Nimbus 是open source 針對 IaaS 的工具組, 提供 建立私有雲或是社群雲的服務.



FlexiScale is the Utility Computing platform launched by XCalibre Communications in the summer of 2007, and subsequently acquired by Flexiant. Users are able to create, start, and stop servers as they require allowing rapid deployment where needed. Both Windows and Linux are supported on the FlexiScale platform.

Reference: https://www.flexiant.com/products/flexiscale/


GoGrid is a hosting service that enables automated provisioning of infrastructure over the internet. With a utility billing model, no long term commitments and various billing terms, you have the flexibility to build hosted cloud infrastructure that meets your specific business needs.

Reference: https://www.gogrid.com/


Eucalyptus 以 IaaS 型態,提供企業與使用者建立屬於自己私有雲的架設系統,採用 GPL-3.0 授權釋出(https://github.com/eucalyptus/),此專案於美國已進行大規模的商業化利用並進行相關服務,其於 2012 年第三輪融資中募得 3000 萬美元的營運資金,相關的技術說明文件齊全,重點特色在於相容於 Amazon EC2 與 S3 標準,對於中小企業的雲端資訊服務系統建置具有相當誘因,所以未來商業應用延展性獲得保障,並能吸引投資者的目光。 


OpenNebula is the Industry standard for IaaS cloud computing, offering a comprehensive solution for the management of virtualized data centers to enable private, public, hybrid (cloudbursting) and virtual private clouds.

Reference: https://www.opennebula.org/


RightScale is a web based cloud computing management platform for managing cloud infrastructure from multiple providers.

Reference: https://www.rightscale.com/