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Glossary Copy

Open Source Software license

We provide Open Source Software license and legal materials via this page.



In general, Copyright Law defines copying as an act that, whether directly or indirectly, permenantly or temporarily, reproduces a work by means of printing, photocopying, recording, film footage, written notes or other ways. Copy is a legal term that means to make one or multiple complete replica of the original work. Therefore, the installation process of computer software program is also an act of copying. To store the program temporarily in the computer’s volatile memory is also an act of copying. On the other hand, these temporary acts are sometimes regarded by the law as reasonable and necessary and therefore is permitted as a special case with a certain short duration. The copyright holder has the right to exclude others from copying the work. The right of copying is the most fundamental and essential right in the realm of copyright. Without a license from the copyright holder, no download and installation of computer software program is possible. All free software licenses, therefore, grant users rights to copy the work.

Category: Glossary