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感謝您對「自由軟體鑄造場」的支持與愛護,十多年來「自由軟體鑄造場」受中央研究院支持,並在資訊科學研究所以及資訊科技創新研究中心執行,現已完成階段性的任務。 原網站預計持續維運至 2021年底,網站內容基本上不會再更動。本網站由 Denny Huang 備份封存。
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Glossary Choice of Venue

Open Source Software license

We provide Open Source Software license and legal materials via this page.


Choice of Venue

As the development of free software projects can be highly international, and the use, distribution or modification of a program may involve programmers residing in more than one territory, disputes are often cross-border. It must therefore be decided to which court the dispute should be brought to and which court has the jurisdictional right. Some licenses may specify a given court in a given territory as the chosen venue. If no such term is specified, dispute has to be resolved on a by-case basis. In general, disputes are brought to the court of the accused(Actor sequitur forum rei). As for free software licenses, drafters of the licenses usually choose a court, since the drafters may be more familiar with the law and the legal process of the given territory so that this brings legal advantages to the licensor.

Category: Glossary