Petals Master SOA Governance Solution

Product Overview

Petals Master is a high performance SOA Governance solution. It allows you organize, enforce and reconfigure your Service Oriented infrastructure.

Petals Master architecture overview

Involved in research projects

Petals Master is part of two research projects: Semeuse and SOA4All.

French research agency project: Semeuse

Semeuse : Semantique pour buse de service

Development of a 'context-aware' semantic service infrastructure, for design-time and run-time.

European project: SOA4All

SOA4All : Service Oriented Architecture for All

Comprehensive framework and infrastructure to integrate billion of services with semantic description. (FP7,IST,IP).


Petals ESB : Open source Enterprise Service Bus - Petals Master : SOA Governance - Petals Forum - Petals Blogs - Petals Twitter
Open Suit : Service-oriented presentation framework - EasyBPEL : BPEL engine - EasyWSDL : WSDL Parser
OW2 : Open source middleware consortium - Petals Link : Open source SOA solutions