RubyConf Taiwan 2011 Call for Sponsorship & Presentation
建立日期 2011-05-18 17:09 最近更新在 2011-10-17 10:07
作者是 OSSF/編述

RubyConf Taiwan 將於 2011/8/26~27(週五~週六)在中央研究院人文社會科學館會議廳舉辦,這是目前台灣唯一及最具規模的 Ruby 程式語言大會,預估將會有超過一百位的 IT 技術人員、系統管理工程師、程式開發者一同參加此次會議,大會並將邀請台灣本地、美國及日本專精 Ruby 開發與應用的講者來分享他們在專案建置與營運推展方面的經驗。除了邀請特定講題的講者之外,RubyConf Taiwan 即日起亦開始接受投稿,任何與 Ruby 語言相關的主題都歡迎您的投稿與分享。此外、如果您認同 Rubyconf Taiwan 在技術交流與經驗分享上的理念,亦歡迎各界透過經費贊助的方式協助本次活動的舉辦!
◎ 截止日期:2011 年 7 月 1 日
◎ 演講方式:Tutorial、60 或 120 分鐘,安排於會議第一天;Talk、30 或 60 分鐘,安排在會議第二天。
◎ 請將您的演講題目、摘要、個人簡介及演講時間長度投遞至 2011 AT
◎ 議程徵求頁面:
◎ 詳細的贊助方式請下載此贊助說明:◎ 或參照贊助說明頁面:
RubyConf Taiwan 2011 will be held on August 26-27, 2011 in Academia Sinica, Taipei. It could be the only and biggest Ruby language conference ever held in Taiwan recently. There will be guest speakers coming from the U.S., Japan and local Taiwan to share their development skills and outreach experiences. We're expecting to see more than 100 Ruby developers, system administrators and programmers joining us in this event. If you want to give a presentation at RubyConf Taiwan 2011 as well, feel free to submit your proposal to us right now. Any topics related to Ruby language will be welcome. Moreover, if you prefer to help promote the study and application of Ruby in Taiwan, we are also looking for sponsorship now!
【Call for Presentation】
◎ Submiting deadline: July 1, 2011.
◎ Session classification: Tutorial 60 or 120 minutes at Day 1, Talk 30 or 60 minutes at Day 2.
◎ Please submit the subject, extract, author intro and talk length you prefer, by sending email to: 2011 AT
◎ More details could be found at:【Call for Sponsorship】
◎ For sponsor program details, please check this prospectus:◎ More details could be found at: