自由軟體鑄造場將在 5月11日(二) 上午假中研院人文社會科學館舉辦一場演講,邀請到的演講者為 Shane Coughlan,他目前是歐洲自由軟體基金會資深顧問,多年來 Coughlan 先生在歐洲,協助過許多國際知名企業處理自由軟體商業授權方面的問題,具有豐富的經驗。
這次來台演講, Coughlan 先生將會分享,在軟體採購、承包過程中,若是涉及自由軟體程式開發,企業主應如何與全球的自由軟體開發社群溝通,以協調自由軟體與封閉原始碼軟體結合運用時所產生的問題,並進一步完善軟體承包上下游供應鏈的合作關係,讓自由軟體這個新一代的產業智慧,可以充份地為國內企業所善用。
若您有了解自由軟體策略的需求,又或者您對於相關商業應用有興趣,鑄造場都非常歡迎您一同來共襄盛舉 !
English Information
* Explore procurement that may involve Free Software.
* Explain best practices for handling Free Software.
* Introduce effective issue resolution methods.
* Foster better communication between the Taiwanese and global community projects.
* Foster better communication between the Taiwanese and European market corporations.
* Explain Western expectations with practical examples.
* Provide framework for supply chain management.
* Explore how Free Software procurement can be optimized.
* Introduce best practices for handling Free Software internally.
* Illustrate effective issue resolution methods.