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■ [企業應用] 企業開源 XenServer 基礎建置與管理 | |
■ [自由專欄] 大企業採用開源 ERP 的理由 | |
■ [源碼新聞] 開放教育連動全球:Open Education Week 2015 | |
■ [源碼新聞] 2015 開放資料研究聯合工作坊 | |
企業應用 | |
企業開源 XenServer 基礎建置與管理 | |
作者 顧武雄 | |
作者簡介:顧武雄, Microsoft MVP、MCITP與MCTS認證專家、台灣微軟Technet、Tech Day、Webcast、MVA特約資深顧問講師。目前個人Linux著作有Linux企業現場應用系統、Linux私有雲社群網路現場實戰。 引言:如今在企業IT市場中,堪稱能夠與VMware以及Microsoft虛擬化平台技術並駕齊驅的,恐怕只有同樣是老牌子的Citrix XenServer了。因為它不僅兼具高效能、高穩定、高可用性以及最高安全設計之外,更令人讚嘆的是它還是一個Linux核心下的開放原始碼套件。在您準備為公司資訊作業環境,進行全面虛擬化的規劃與導入之前,強烈建議您不妨先參考一下本文的精闢介紹與實戰講解,並完成最新免費XenServer版本的下載與建置評估,再來決定誰是最後入主私有雲的虛擬化基礎平台。 |
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自由專欄 | |
大企業採用開源 ERP 的理由 | |
作者 自由軟體鑄造場電子報/翻譯 | |
本文翻譯自 opensource.com,原作者為 Hans Bakker:https://opensource.com/business/15/3/why-large-companies-use-open-source-erp 大型企業會使用開放原始碼的 ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) 系統,其主要原因是便宜和方便客製化。 在許多的案例中,我們在為大型企業導入 ERP 系統時,總是會為了迎合企業的需求而客製化新的介面來使用;又因為與其他的商業系統連接,使得這接客製化的介面難以隨時隨地更新版本。另一個開源 ERP 被採用的重要理由是,你可以完全擁有這個 ERP 系統,包含它的原始程式碼,這個系統沒有任何地方是你無法掌握、或是受到軟體販售商的限制,而你可以更加自由地去導入這個軟體,無論是自己做、或是花錢請一個供應商來做。 |
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源碼新聞 | |
開放教育連動全球:Open Education Week 2015 | |
作者 自由軟體鑄造場電子報/翻譯 | |
**本文翻譯自 opensource.com,原作者為:Igor Lesko:https://opensource.com/education/15/3/global-open-education-week** Open Education Week (OEW) 這一個每年舉辦的全球性開放教育盛會,今年於 3 月 9 日至 3 月 13 日舉行。這個盛會的主要目的是推廣開放式教育,以及慶祝開放教育運動的成就。 開放教育 (Open Education) 包括了所有和教育有關的資源、工具、作法皆採用開放共享的框架,以改善全球教育的參與機會和學習效率。任何人在 OEW 期間都可以自由參與這些活動和免費使用資源。 |
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源碼新聞 | |
2015 開放資料研究聯合工作坊 | |
作者 林誠夏 | |
2015 Joint Workshop on Open Data ResearchThe 2015 Joint Workshop on Open Data Research --- jointly organized by Academia Sinica (Taiwan), Open Data Institute (UK), and the British Trade and Culture Office in Taiwan --- will be held on March 20, 2015 at Academia Sinica in Taipei. The goal of the workshop is to promote the exchange of ideas, practices, and perspectives about open data, in particluar in the context of research and development. Speakers and panelists from UK and Taiwan will present and discusss case studies, best practices, and research projects. All are invited to take part in the workshop. It is hoped that by engaging the various research and technical communities in Taiwan, UK, and worldwide, this event will help enable further open data research opportunities and connections. You are much encouraged to participate in the workshop if you are or will be working on datasets released by others to the public for reuse. If you have been or are considering releasing your datasets to the public, you have more the reason to participate. Developers, researchers, students, and citizens, you are all welcomed. Let us all learn from one another to help shape open data practices. The planning of this event has been helped by Open Source Software Foundry (https://www.openfoundry.org/) and Creative Commons Taiwan (https://creativecommons.tw/), two projects hosted at the Research Center for Information Technology Innovation, Academia Sinica. More details about the 2015 Joint Workshop on Open Data Research can be found at the following: ◎ Date: 2015-03-20 ◎ Venue: https://odw.tw/en/location ◎ Programme: https://odw.tw/en/programme ◎ Registration: https://odw.tw/en/registration
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